There is an old saying.  Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time.  Instead of us just
telling you a regexp to do it, you should really learn regexps since
they are what perl is all about.  I highly recommend O'Reillys
"Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Friedl.  But, any good perl
book will at least touch base about Regexps.

Anyway, there are a few ways you can do it.  First is to use the built
in function chomp().  It removes new line chars from the end of a
string.  The other way you could do it is with a regexp.  Something

$foo =~ s/\s$//;

I'm guessing since you are using a textarea you will run into the
wonderful \r characters (Carriage Returns).  The above should snag them.
As should chomp.

Hope this helps you.  :o)


> Hi People,
> I need to remove all new line character from a string. Can you please
> let me know. This is to use for
> a flat file. When i try to store from a textarea input to a flat file,
> it has many new line character from the input. Therefor, when retrieve
> them back from the flat file the data order are messed up. So please
> help me with this. Thanks.
> Piraba
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