Has your set-up defined Perl extension types within IIS?
I haven't done this manually on 2K but in IIS 3 you can update it through
the system registry under HKEY_LOCAL_SYSTEM
\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\Script Map.
On IIS 4 you can use the 'Internet service manager'. This is a 'Microsoft
Management console' application that comes with the 'Windows NT 4.0 Option

The default extensions are .pl for standard Perl script (map this to the
perl.exe file) and .plx this should be mapped to the PerlIS.dll file. This
file type will be interpreted by the ISAPI (Internet Server Application
Programming Interface) for use by the IIS web server.
A .pl file will attempt to run under the operating system not the browser.

I believe what you can see working is Perl script (held within the html
page) what you want is to run a Perl program from a html page. Check your
.plx directories have sufficient execute rights and are attached to the IIS
properly. This should be enough to make theme run. 

I don't know if I've explained this very well but it's relatively
straightforward, honest!

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