I'm not sure why you want to look at /etc/fstab: why is it not sufficient to
recurse from '/'? Also, remember to skip /dev.
- Roger -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Westlake, Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Counting all the files on a system
> Bit of an odd one but I need to know how many regular files there are on
> system so I knocked together a little script, see below. Only problem is
> seems to run out of memory as its running.
> Any thoughts on how I could improve it would be very gratefully received,
> is there a module I don't know about that will help?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> # /usr/local/sysadm/system/filecount.pl
> #
> # Usage ./filecount.pl
> #
> # Script to count all the files on the system with the exception
> # of the /, usr and var file systems.
> #
> # Who Date Modifications
> # === ==== =============
> # AGJW 04-Jul-2001 Initial script.
> #
> # ---------------------------------------------
> # Set up variables.
> # ---------------------------------------------
> use File::Find;
> use strict;
> my @data;
> my $name;
> my $totfiles = 0;
> my $regfiles = 0;
> my $date_extn=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%R`;
> chomp ($date_extn);
> my $logfile="/usr/local/sysadm/system/filecount.$date_extn";
> #
> open (LOGFILE, ">$logfile") || die "Cannot open $logfile for writing: $!";
> open (FSTAB, "cat /etc/fstab |");
> while (<FSTAB>) {
> @data = split;
> if ( (defined($data[1])) && !($data[1] =~
m#^/proc$|^/$|^/var$|^/usr$# ) )
> {
> print "Mount point is $data[1]\n";
> find (\&wanted1, $data[1]);
> }
> }
> close(FSTAB);
> close(LOGFILE);
> system "sort +1nr $logfile > $logfile.sorted";
> unlink ("$logfile");
> rename ("$logfile.sorted","$logfile");
> open (LOGFILE, ">>$logfile") || die "Cannot open $logfile for writing:
> print (LOGFILE " \n");
> print (LOGFILE "Total number of files is $totfiles\n");
> close (LOGFILE);
> # ---------------------------------------------
> # Define sub-routines.
> # ---------------------------------------------
> sub wanted1 {
> return if (($_ eq ".") || ($_ eq ".."));
> return unless -d $_;
> $regfiles=0;
> opendir(CURDIR,$File::Find::name);
> while ($name = readdir(CURDIR)) {
> if ( !( -d $name ) && !( -l $name ) ) { $regfiles += 1};
> }
> closedir(CURDIR);
> if ( $regfiles >= 1000 ) {print (LOGFILE "$File::Find::name \t
> $regfiles\n")};
> $totfiles += $regfiles;
> }
> Many thanks in advance,
> Andy Westlake
> IMServ Europe Ltd
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