--- "Simon K. Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curtis,
> Your suggestion does not seem to work for me.  My apologies for sending you the 
>script, but the 
> my @food = param('food'); does not work for me!  Any and all suggestions would be 
> appreciated.


No problem about sending the script.  It's short and the problem was easy to spot.

When sending data via a POST request, the data is available through STDIN.  Unless you 
do some
really fancy footwork with Perl, that data is only available to be read once.  Here's 
causing the  problem:

    my @array = param('food');

Once you start using CGI.pm, you can drop the &ReadParse.  That reads the data in 
STDIN and CGI.pm
has no data left to read.  Get rid of that and it should work fine.

Also, the &ReadParse routine has many bugs in it.  I won't go into it at length right 
now, but
it's seen all over the place and, unfortunately, it's resulted in a lot of buggy code 
out there. 
Your content type line is also incorrect:

    print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
That should have a space between the colon and the word 'text'.  If it works for you, 
benefitting from error correction that many browsers have built in.  It's such a 
common error that
browsers often figure it out.  Since you're using CGI.pm, you can just use the 

    print header();

Incidentally, I know of at least one case where the above line resulted in a 
"text/plain" header. 
To force the correct header, if that happens, you can do this:

    print header( -type => 'text/html' );

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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