
        I have a cgi on my site that collects a users name and password from a form 
then uses to login to a remote server and run a command. I need to pass a 
parameter to this command but cannot figure out how.

This is what I have working... 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Telnet ();

$username=param ("userid");
$passwd=param ("password");

$t= new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 20, Prompt => '/huey:*/' );
# use the prompt that will be seen if the telnet works #

$t->login($username, $passwd);

this is a list of some of the different ways that I have tried to run this command.

#1) $t->cmd("/home/redars/monster 7 dontburn");

#2) $t->print("/data3/ops/scripts/monster", "7", "dontburn");

#3) $t->print("/data3/ops/scripts/monster");

Does anyone have any ideas?


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