Hi All,
I am having a little trouble with a regexp and I was hoping I might get a
hint towards a module or something like that.
I get a query string passed to me, that I need to record in a database. A
typical one might look like this:
I am sure that the problem is pretty obvious to you straight away. I have a
regexp to change %3C to <, %3E to >, %20 to a space, etc, but I keep on
finding characters that I wasn't expecting, and I am sure that somewhere out
there, there must be a place that has a list of all of these characters or a
module to convert them. I searched on perl.com, but couldn't find anything
that seemed to match this problem
Any ideas? I just need to be pointed where to look
Dianne van Dulken
E-commerce Analyst/Programmer
Phone: (02) 9433 2510
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