This is true.  I have only used an older version of UltraEdit, but I am
pretty impressed with Komodo as far as debugging/editing features go
(especially auto-completion for PHP).  I too would like to see ActiveState
optimize it more, but it *is* based on Mozilla, so <insert obligatory
Mozilla resource hog cheap-shot here>.

Seriously, though.  For light editing, UltraEdit rules.

David T. Kuchler
Technical Configurator
Pioneer Standard Electronics

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank J. Schmuck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:28 PM
To: Mel Matsuoka; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Perl Editors

I would echo Mel's comments on UltraEdit.  I really love the ability to
write code on a Win2000 box and FTP it to my test machine directly from the
editor.  I actually use UltraEdit over CodeWright which was great when I
lived only in the Winz world.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Matsuoka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 10:11 AM
Subject: RE: Perl Editors

At 07:35 PM 08/08/2001 +0100, Joel Hughes wrote:
>I've used ActiveStates Komodo editor which is nice & free

Not to start another editor religious-war, but Komodo, while being a great
idea on paper, just doesn't execute very well in real life (at least on
Windows2000). First off, the damn thing wants over 100 megabytes of
diskspace and consumes MASSIVE amounts of system resources while its
running. Very slow.

If Activestate can optimize Komodo so its faster and not so bloated, it
will definitely be a great option.

But for now, nothing on Windows can beat UltraEdit and
least for me.


mel matsuoka                    Hawaiian Image Productions
Chief Executive Alphageek              (vox)1.808.531.5474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  (fax)1.808.526.4040

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