Ryan Davis wrote:
> First of all, thanks for the quick response.  This application isn't in use
> yet, so now is the time to make security changes
> A few questions/let me see if I'm following you:
> A user enters their password, I create the digest, and store the digest as a
> cookie.  This is secure since you can't recreate the digest without knowing
> $rand.
> When they change pages (states in the script) the CGI reads the cookie, and
> converts the digest to password, and verifies it?
> How is the conversion from digest to password done?  I check my docs, and it
> doesn't say anything about getting the message _out_ of digest form.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
What you do is take the password on the system and digest it again.
Then do the compare.

Or at least that's what I remember from reading the security section of "CGI
Programming with Perl", though I may be wrong.


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