I have tried that, and Word generates HTML documents (XML actually) that have 
consistently had incorrect formatting.

                                  Adam Carson
                                MIS Department
                             Berkeley County, SC

>>> "Brett W. McCoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/07/01 11:22AM >>>
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Adam Carson wrote:

> Does anyone know of a perl module/program to convert M$ Word documents into HTML?  I 
>have looked at the perldocs, and searched CPAN, but haven't found one.

Word itself can generate HTML documents from Word documents.  Maybe you
can set up some OLE automation to perform this task (you can do OLE
automation in Perl with ActiveState Perl).

-- Brett
It'll be just like Beggars' Canyon back home.
                -- Luke Skywalker

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