On 8/6/01 10:04 AM, Michael Kelly wrote:
> [Erg, I keep replying to just the person who sent the message. This one's to
> the list.]
> On 8/6/01 1:04 AM, . wrote:
>> What is the syntax of the href method in CGI.pm? I can't find it in the man
>> pages. Is it something like this:
>> href([URL],[Additional Attributes],[Link Text | Link Image]);
>> I'm asking because the other way that I know about, isn't working in the
>> following code segment:
>> print <<End_link2;
>> <a href="shopping_cart?action="checkout"&session=$session&email=$email$">
>> Check Out</a><br>
>> End_link2
>> The error I get is that it can't match End_link2 anywhere before EOF.
>> I'll try playing with href() while I wait for a reply, but if anybody knows
>> how it works or can suggest something better, please let me know.
> Well, you don't really need to use CGI.pm -- you just accidentally perlified
> the href :)
> You put quotes around "checkout", which is incorrect in HTML. BY doing so,
> you made your href:
> shopping_cart?action=
> Then you have extra garbage that browsers won't understand:
> checkout"&session=$session&email=$email$
> So get rid of the quotes around "checkout" and you'll be fine.
Oops, sorry, I just realized that wasn't your question. You need to make
sure End_link2 isn't intented (it has to be the very first thing on its
line), and if it's at the end of your script, you need a trailing newline.
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