--- Daniel Falkenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> list,
> I was wondering how I would go about changing and existing COLUMN(Attribute)
> TYPE on a PostgreSQL table?
> Regards,
> Daniel Falkenberg

This is not a CGI question, so perhaps there is another mailing list or Usenet group 
that might be
better prepared to answer this?

Regardless, what you are looking for is the "ALTER TABLE" command.  You can only use 
this if you
own the table.  You'll find this, as of this writing, on page 96 of the Postgres pdf 
(http://www.postgresql.com/documents/pdf/gb_pgsql_71_linux_rg.pdf).  Oddly enough, on 
both IE and
Netscape, when I scroll to page 96, it drops me into page 88.  You'll want to watch 
the actual
page numbers on the pages to get to the correct one.

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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