Yes, I am.
If you are suggesting that I use Mail::sendmail instead (are you?), the reason is that 
I got this code from Novell's website and it seemed to be a useful and easy to 
understand piece of code.  As a perl beginner, I also thought that understanding the 
process might be useful in the future... although I remember the discussion regarding 
hand-rolled CGI subs.  I would like to continue with my "low level" script unless 
there are valid security concerns regarding its use.  I will also look into 
Mail:sendmail as an alternative.  If I see that it is easier to use, I'll definitely 

                                  Adam Carson
                                MIS Department
                             Berkeley County, SC

>>> "Brett W. McCoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/30/01 04:49PM >>>
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Adam Carson wrote:

> I have been trying to get a version of sendmail to send results from a
> form, and after finally getting all my addresses and formatting right,
> my mailserver gives me an error about not using the HELO protocol:
> X-Authentication-Warning: mail.server.IP.address:
>       [the.user's.IP.address] didn't use HELO protocol
> The code from my script that mentions anything about HELO is:
>     sendSMTP(1, "HELO\n");
>     sendSMTP(1, "MAIL FROM: <$mailFrom>\n");
>     sendSMTP(1, "RCPT TO: <$mailTo>\n");
>     sendSMTP(1, "VRFY\n");
>     sendSMTP(1, "DATA\n");

You shouldn't have to be using anything that low-level to send email from
a script!  Are you actually binding to a socket to do this?

-- Brett

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