--- Bill Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really want to keep -T to keep my script completely safe,
> but I simply cannot get the script to completely execute. I am driving
> myself crazy because I don't want to cop out and delete the -T.
> I think I'm properly untainting my form variables (I've tried various ways -
> this is one of them):
> my $firstName=$q->param('firstName');
> if ($firstName =~ /([\w\s\-\.',]+)/) {
>     $firstName = $1;
> } else { 
>     err();
> }
> I do this with each piece of data. Then, assuming the person passes the quiz
> I've given, I create an HTML certificate with a few of these
> variables (DOES work with the -T switch), send an email (via sendmail)
> confirming that they passed (does NOT work with -T) and finally
> append the data to a text file (also does NOT work with -T). I don't get
> compile errors - just no emails or file appends!
> Apparently Perl is not allowing me to modify files or make the call to
> sendmail; but the documentation is very sparse, and I'm running out of
> ideas. Anyone have advice? Thanks!
> [I also seem to vaguely recall a compatibility problem with Perl 5 and
> Solaris 2.8 using -T: can anyone confirm this?]

This, as I recall, is the second time you have asked this.  I suspect that no one 
replied the
first time is because there is not sufficient information to answer your question, 
though I
suppose that we should at least have said that :)

Assuming your regular expression is correct, the following snippet that you sent could 

    my $firstName=$q->param('firstName');
    if ($firstName =~ /([\w\s\-\.',]+)/) {
        $firstName = $1;
    } else { 

The problem, however, is what happens when err() is called.  Is the script terminated 
or not?  If
the regular expression succeeds, $firstName will be set to $1.  If it fails, 
$firstName will
retain its original value.  If err() does not halt the program then your code will 
continue to run
and your data will be tainted.

That, however, could be a red herring.  Are there any error messages in your error 
log?  Have you
verified that you're getting the data that you intended?  If you post a minimal test 
case of your
code that replicates the problem, we're much more likely to be able to offer 

As a further note, here's a somewhat safer way to untaint the data above:

    my $_firstName    = $q->param( 'firstName' );
    my ( $firstName ) = ( $_firstName =~ /^([\w\s\-\.',]+)$/ )

Here's what happens:  You have two variables instead of one.  The first is tainted and 
the second
is clean.  If the first one does not untaint, then $firstName is undef.  Later, if you 
see that
$firstName is undef, you call your error routine.  Also note that I have used ^ and $ 
to bind the
regex to the beginning and end of the string.  That's not strictly necessary, but I 
like to do
that to see if anyone's trying to enter stuff they shouldn't.

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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