Ryan Davis/Pamela Karr wrote:
> I'm still trying to get my script to send some a simple email. I looked up
> some examples, namely : http://perlfect.com/articles/sendmail.shtml,
> but it still doesn't work. I'm using the -T switch, and heres the code
> fragment:
> Then I try to send the mail.
> open(MAIL, "|$sendmail");
> print MAIL $replyto."\n";
> print MAIL "Subject: \"$fn $ln\" added to list."."\n";
> print MAIL $to."\n";
> print MAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
> print MAIL "$fn\n$ln\n$email\n$url\n$gpa\n$keywords\n";
> close(MAIL);
have any of you having these mailing problems looked into using
mime::lite? it really simplifies sending email from a perl script.
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