I have a virtual server (Free BSD) and I had a perl/mysql application
written for me. I installed mysql ok and setup a database. When I
installed the mysqldbi though things went downhill fast. I did it using
perl -MCPAN -e shell. I didn't write down everything I did, but I
followed the instructions on the mysql site carefully. As best as I can
remember, I installed DBD then mysqlDBI. When I did that it said there
was a newer CPAN than the one I had so I installed it too. The CPAN
install did not complete successfully, but I'm pretty sure it upgraded
my perl version too.

The program I'm trying to run now gets this error:
Goto undefined subroutine &CGI::Object::Html::start_html at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00502/autoload.pm line 17.

I tried to install CGI with the overwrite switch set and also CPAN but
neither will complete successfully. I'm in way over my head and have no
idea how to fix this.

If I run: test CPAN, it says everything is ok.
If I run: test CGI it fails 16 out of 17 tests.

I think I need to know how to reinstall CGI, but that might just be the
tip of the iceberg.

Can someone help me please?

David Scott

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