At 05:13 PM 07/19/2001 -0400, bc wrote: 
>if i use wordpad, in windows, instead of 
>notepad, which i was told b/c of this reason, 
>what do i save the script file as:  the 
>choices are:

Argh....whoever told you to use Wordpad without qualifying the RIGHT way to
save out of Wordpad needs to be flogged with a herring :P

My guess is that you've been saving your scripts out as RTF format, or one
of the other non-ASCII fileformats listed in the Wordpad save dialog. Use
Notepad instead...

Or better yet, if you're using windows, get yourself a real text-editor
such as UltraEdit (http://www.ultraedit), which will make your coding life
so much better. Notepad is good for writing hello world-level scripts, but
in order to manage "real" programs and scripts, you need to have something
more robust.


mel matsuoka                      Hawaiian Image Productions
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