> List,
> <a href="helpdesk.cgi?action=test_modify" title="View this job"><font
> face="Verdana" size="3" color="#0155B1">$entries->{unique_id}
>       - </font> </b></u><b><u><font face="Verdana" size="1"
> color="#0155B1">$entries->{fname}
>     $entries->{lname}</font>(input type="hidden" value=$)
>     </a>
> The following Hyperlink in my HTML is incorperated in my perl script.  I
> want this hyperlink to parse to another sub and then also parse on things
> like $entries->{unique_id}... the unique_id of coarse in the new sub.  I
> can do this with the user selecting certain radio or check boxes and then
> parse on the resuls to another sub.
> Is this possible with hyperlinks?
> Regards,
> Daniel Falkenberg

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