hello again,
Here is my first attempt to solve this:
sub do_report
{ local ($command) = @_;
$| = 1;
print "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=End\n\n";
open REPORT, "$command 2> /dev/null |" or die
my $message = "Working";
until (<REPORT>)
{ $message .= ".";
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n$message\n--End\n"
}# end until
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
while (<REPORT>)
{ print;
}# end while
print "\n--End--\n"
But this doesn't work )-;
Maybe someone will get a better idea of what I'm trying to do
from it though. Thanks again for any help.
At 09:47 AM 7/17/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I hope this isn't a goofy question ;-) I have a simple CGI front end
>for processing Snort logs with Calamaris. It is currently set up like this:
>sub do_report
>{ local ($command) = @_;
> $| = 1;
> print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";
> system ("$command 2> /dev/null");
>} # end sub do_report
>$command is something like:
>$command = "cat /my/log | /path/to/calamaris -options -to -output -html -etc"
>This works fine when processing smallish logs. However, as my logs have
>grown, I frequently get browser time outs. What I was thinking is to start
>the log processing then send some sort or server push animation until
>Calamaris is done then push the resulting report. Is this the correct way
>to go about this? If so, how? If not, what is the "right" way?
>Thanks to all for any input,
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