This works:
foreach $id ( keys %{ $actual_slots{ $wafer_id } } ) {
# print "* id * $actual_slots{ $wafer_id }{ $id }* j *$j*<br>";
if( !$table_file{ $Lot_Number }{ $j } ) {
$sw_array[ $j ] = $j;
$s = "$lot_number_header$Lot_Number-$sw_array[ $j ]";
my $checkbox = $query->checkbox( -name => $s, -checked => 1 );
print "<tr>
<th bgcolor=\"cyan\"
undef $All_Wafers_Tested;
foreach $key ($query->param) {
undef $check_;
$check_ = $key if $key =~ $Lot_Number;
if( $check_ >= 0 ) {
( $a1, $lot, $id ) = split( /-/, $check_ );
$All_Wafers_Tested .= "$id ";
This seems to work, that is it pirnts to the screen:
my @k = qw[ 0 5 10 15 20];
my @f = qw[ 5 10 15 20 25];
for( $j = 0; $j < 25; $j++ ) {
$sw_array[ $j ] = $j+1;
for( $j = 0; $j < 25; $j++ ) {
if( $sw_array[ $j ] >= 0 ) {
print "<b><font color=red><i><font size=+1>$s</i></b>";
print $query->textfield( -name=>$s, -size=>'2', length=>'3', -maxlength=>'2' );
if( $sw_array[ $j ] ) {
if( $t == $f[ $i ] ) {
print "<br><br>";
This does not work:
undef $All_Wafers_Tested;
foreach $key ($query->param) {
undef $check_;
$check_ = $key if $key =~ /Slot/;
if( $check_ >= 0 ) {
$All_Wafers_Tested .= "$check_ ";
Any ideas?
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