It was pointed out to me that I really should have posted the solution. I
thought about it, but it was so simple, I felt a bit embarrassed <blush>
Instead of just calling the text file, I need to call it within another perl
program. Within this, the Content-type needs to be set as
application/octet-stream, not data/text (code below). This forces it to
download, though, alas, as a perl file initially, not a txt file. However,
it opens up as a text file. Rummy!
my $url = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; # Passed report location through as a
my $tourl = "../../client/htdocs/reports/$url";
my $HTML = "";
print STDERR "$tourl\n";
if (! open (FIN, "<$tourl")) {
$HTML = "<H2>ERROR</H2><P>Could not open report at this time";
die "Could not open input file $tourl : $!";
} else {
$HTML = join("", <FIN>);
print STDERR "$HTML\n";
print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n";
print "$HTML";