Since you said that you are trying to hit a webserver until you tell it to stop, you 
might want it to check for a different condition, such as a certain number of hits or 
a timeout, etc.  In Pascal there is a getkey function, I don't think Perl has an 
equivalent though.

                                  Adam Carson
                                MIS Department
                             Berkeley County, SC

>>> Thomas Jakub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/12/01 02:20PM >>>
so...  is their a function that won't wait for me to
hit enter, and can still get the keys?  Or rather, one
that will read only once every time it goes through
the while loop?

--- Adam Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron,
>   If you read the rest of my post, I mention that
> there is still a problem with the code, ie the
> waiting for STDIN.  I was just pointing out one flaw
> in the streamlined version, as it seemed to be the
> better way to go for that particular task.  I too
> read the perldocs and saw the same thing.  In fact,
> I suggested to Thomas that he check them regarding
> just that problem.  That message also went to the
> list.
>                      Regards,
>                                   Adam Carson
>                                 MIS Department
>                              Berkeley County, SC
> >>> Aaron Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/12/01
> 04:59AM >>>
> At 13:36 11.07.2001 -0400, Adam Carson wrote:
> >--- Adam Carson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Gary, you forgot to make it:
> > >
> > > while (1) { # infinite loop
> > >   my $c=getc;
> > >   last if ord($c) == 10; # last itteration if $c
> > > numerically same as 10
> > >   print "blah\n";
> > > }
> doesn't $c=getc force the loop to wait for input
> from STDIN?
> from perldoc
> getc
> Returns the next character from the input file
> attached to FILEHANDLE, or 
> the undefined value at end of file, or if there was
> an error. If FILEHANDLE 
> is omitted, reads from STDIN. This is not
> particularly efficient. 
> ***However, it cannot be used by itself to fetch
> single characters without 
> waiting for the user to hit enter.****
> Aaron Craig
> Programming

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