Sorry ! some how did not get both the attachments. send as zip again.
Rajeev Rumale
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why it's called Present.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rajeev Rumale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: Regrex - ignoring the boundaries
> Greetings !
> I am having a some difficulaties in matching and extracting a part of
> strings.
> I need to load a HTML file into a scalar variable and then extract certain
> part of the it which is "marked" ( ie., %%row_start%%% and %%row_end%% ).
> The problems is with the "\n" at end of each line in the html file. If
> is a newline immediately after the "mark" the Regrex fails to work
> If I remove all the "\n" from the loaded value then I am able to get the
> result well. But this will cause the HTML code to be unformated and will
> creat problems for webdesingers while debuggin html code.
> Can we do this without removing "\n" char?
> I am attaching both perl code and html file. Please check out and let me
> know where I am wrong.
> with regards
> Rajeev Rumale