
I guess I am missing the boat.  I have read CGI::Cookie and played with the code, but 
I would think that I should be able to read the netscape cookies
file in by NT system.  My script is running on a unix server.  Is this possible.  I 
have tried to set a cookie and the read it,  no luck.  

print "env $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} <br>";

 $c = new CGI::Cookie( -name    =>  'Testing',
                       -value   =>  [ "jwp", '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ],
                       -expires =>  '+3M',
                       -domain  =>  'xxxx.xxx',
                       -path    =>  '/'
                       -secure  =>  0

  print "Set-Cookie: $c\n<br>";
  print $query->header(-cookie=>$c);
  print "Set-Cookie: ",$c->as_string,"\n<br>";

#Recovering Previous Cookies


print "<br>defaults *@defaults*<br>";

 %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
 foreach (keys %cookies) {
   print "<br>$_ - ($cookies{$_})<br>";

Thanks for YOUR help,


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