Teresa Raymond wrote:
> OK, I am a relative novice to Programming, Perl, CGI, CGI.pm and
> MIME::Lite. As suggested by others on this list I'm using MIME::Lite.
> I've written the below code with part of a MIME::Lite example copied.
> I've put the whole code here because I'm not sure what to leave out.
> The actual problem occurs at during the sub main section where the
> line reads: my $filepath = $ARGV[0] || die "missing path to
> FILE\n"; The output is a blank screen, no error messages, just
> nothing happens.
ok, let me see if i understand what you want to do.
1) upload an image via a browser.
2) verify the uploaded file is an image.
3) email the image as an attachment to someone.
is that all correct?