Let me get this straight. You can see the source but not the HTML output in the
Mark Bergeron
-----Original Message-----
From: "Samuel Brown"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue Jul 10 10:20:57 PDT 2001
Subject: Script written HTML won't display
> Here's a wierd problem for the gurus:
> I've just set up a fresh install of Active State
>Perl on this Win2k box, and have written a quick test
>script for the web server. The script runs correctly
>from the command prompt, without reporting errors.
>The script runs for a web browser without reporting
>errors, likewise. I can 'view source' and see that it
>returned everything correctly, even. (Well, I can't
>see the header in the source, natch. But yes, i did
>make sure to include one; yes, one with TWO carriage
> The issue is that of the computers and web browsers
>I've tried to run this script from, none of them
>display the text! Netscape displays a portion of the
>first body character, and nothing else. IE doesn't
>even display that. Again, a 'view source' in either
>will show a perfectly mundanely formatted little block
>of HTML text.
> Because i try not to go whining to mailing lists, I
>have taken the time to read over a half dozen FAQs,
>and short of chasing down every 400 page book they
>cross reference, I think I've fulfilled the
>obligations of researching this one on my own before
>taking up you all's valuable time and bandwidth.
>Anybody with more experience than me know the answer
>to my little connundrum?
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