Thank you for the reply ...
When out to Netscape and noticed the when they referenced language for
Javascript they added *text/* ...
I added that....
I had tried the path you suggested previously (along with SEVERAL OTHERS)
but had not included *text/* to the language ...
The following works ...
print $q->start_html(-title=>$title,
It wont work for me without the *text/* added to language !
Again, thanks for the reply ...
-----Original Message-----
From: fliptop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: July 05, 2001 17:37
To: Moon, John
Subject: Re: Reposting - Please help with error message
"Moon, John" wrote:
> -src=>'Library/JavaScripts/misc_services_menu.js'});
does it work if you change that line to:
(or whatever the absolute path is to the .js file)?
if that doesn't work, then i'd try creating a static html file that has
the call to the javascript in it and try looking at that in a browser.
if it still doesn't work, i'd assume the problem is not perl related and
investigate it from a javascript angle.