--- "Moon, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't know if this will help but I am doing something similar
> ...
> use strict;
> no strict "refs";
> ...
> my %DISPLAY = (
> # *form value* => *sub name*
> 10 => 'Personnel',
> 20 => 'DataCom',
> 80 => 'Unisys',
> 30 => 'IBM',
> 100 => 'Unix',
> 5251=> 'Oracle',
> 90 => 'MS_Unisys',
> 40 => 'MS_IBM',
> 2610=> 'MS_Unix',
> 410 => 'FRC',
> 60 => 'MiscServ',
> );
> ...
> my $sub = $DISPLAY{*form value returned*};
> &{$sub}(); # jump to sub to display requested report
> ...
There's no need to turn of strict 'refs'. Make the %DISPLAY values references to the
use strict;
my %DISPLAY = (
# *form value* => *sub name*
10 => \&Personnel,
20 => \&DataCom,
80 => \&Unisys,
30 => \&IBM,
100 => \&Unix,
5251=> \&Oracle,
90 => \&MS_Unisys,
40 => \&MS_IBM,
2610=> \&MS_Unix,
410 => \&FRC,
60 => \&MiscServ,
my $sub = $DISPLAY{*form value returned*};
&$sub if $sub; # jump to sub to display requested report
This is much cleaner and you won't have to worry about getting bitten by "no strict"
later in your script. Further, by making those values references to the subs, Perl
will check
those references *at compile time* and let you know immediately if it can't find one
of the subs.
Oh, and it will run faster too.
Curtis Poe
Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/
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