Sage,Fliptop & Anton,

        Thanks For Your Suggestions .. I will try doing the Same ..

Best Regards,


"Sage, Christian" wrote:

> Madan,
> since you're on Linux the suggestion fliptop made is what I'd try as well. Were you 
>on a Win32 platform you'd have much more direct control over the spreadsheet. I 
>regularly do all sorts of fancy things with Excel spreadsheets through Win32::Ole. 
>What you end up doing there is making Perl do VBA (sort of), which is anything but 
>pretty. It works very well, though!
> Cheers,
> Christian Sage
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: madan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2001 07:08
> Betreff: Writing Data Into Existing Excel
> Dear All,
>         I Have An Existing Excel Sheet On Linux And I Want To Embed
>     Some Data Onto This Excel and Then Save It .. Is There Any Perl
>     Script to Do This.
>         I Went Through CPAN's Spreadsheet::WriteExcel , But This
>     Overwrites The Existing Excel , Hence Old Data Inside Is Lost ,
>     Pls. Help Me Out ..
> Warm Regards,
> Madan.

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