O posted this a few days ago, no response. Hopefully one of the super guru's has a clue with this. I have updated via MCPAN several times, but only 5.6.1 has started this happening it seems. Here is the original posting: On two machines now, I have run" perl -MCPAN -e shell (RedHat 7.1, and RedHat 6.2) when I query: which perl I get: /usr/local/bin/perl when I run: find / -name perl I get (among some other stuff) /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl Executing: /usr/local/bin/perl -V gives: perl 5.6.1 (I won't type in all the details, it's about a page and a half) Entering: .usr/bin/perl -V returns: perl 5.6.0 I really would prefer that when I update everything with MCPAN that it overwrites my old perl with the new install. What are the error of my ways? Thanks for creating a group for us JAPN's. (JAP-Newbies) Bruce Meyer