Not entirely true. Try:
        $string = "0.0";
        print $string;
- prints "0.0"

Now try it without the quotes around 0.0
- prints "0"

So there is a difference between strings and numbers. In the $counter case
it doesn't make any difference, but for the above case it could be important
- "0.0" is true in a boolean evaluation, while 0 is false, for example. I
will admit I have no idea how often it is important though.

Incidentally, autoincrement also works for strings anyway, try:
        $a = "a"; $a++; print $a;
so your example would work whether $a is being treated as a string or a


Mark C

> Hello mark,
> Tuesday, June 26, 2001, mark crowe (JIC) 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mcJ> If I might make one other little comment - I suggest you 
> initialise $counter
> mcJ> by $counter=0, rather than $counter="0"; The former 
> makes it a number, the
> mcJ> latter a string.
> (jfyi only)
> you are mistaken. all variables in perl saves as strings; then,
> perl converts string - depends of your needs.
> try:
> $a="0";
> $a++;
> print $a;
> Best wishes,
>  Maxim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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