On Monday 25 June 2001 06:59, Francesco Scaglioni wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to embed a scalar into the sql such that the value of
> the scalar could represent a column name to report or a value to
> select by
> eg something to mean the following
> select $column_name from test where $another_column_name =
> $column_value
> or even better:
> count rows where $column_name = $column_name_value and $another_column
> = $another_column_value
> If I am making myself clear?

yes you can , I belive that Perl will do the subitution befor executing the 
line of code.  If your going to work with data bases and sql use the "DMI 
.pm" and the approait database driver  and it's a snap to  work with a data 


> Francesco

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