Thank you for the suggestion ... This is for "beginners" and I have a lot to
learn !
... I'll use the OO format - just got lazy ...
never used "strict" before because it was soooo strict but some guy named
Curtis (and others) kept saying to use it so .... Thanks for letting me know
about the scoping...
Yes, I knew about what param returned but haven't needed to have a
multi-value token (array) returned ... so far ... and appreciate the further
discussion ...
Thanks for the "tip" on $table .= ... again I needed to get out of my box
... and that why I like this forum ... I work alone (remote) and this has
been a BIG help to me ... Hope I can help others down the road ...
In my doc (from perldoc) I don't see the pragma listed... which brings me to
the question how do I know which version of CGI I have ... I don't install
software at this shop ... and don't have "root" privileges ... in fact much
to my dismay "they" have "multiple" versions of Perl installed ... so when I
run perldoc which "doc's" am I getting ?
Althought it says "loosely found as .../5.00502 " ... after a lot of other
stuff ...
What is the "current" "stable" version of CGI ... ?
$ENV{MANPATH} = /usr/share/man:/usr/local/man
-V reports:
SUN2>perl5.00502 -V|more # which is my shebang
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 2) configuration:
where reports:
SUN2>perl -V|more
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 3 subversion 0) configuration: