Yes, I assumed it is trying to help me ...

But don't want it's (CGI's) help ...  in this case 

Any one know how to stop it ... I do a $q->new CGI after getting my values
from the post ;  and yes I use $q->endform; 

John W Moon

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Mel Matsuoka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   June 21, 2001 00:53
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        Re: Extra <INPUT TYPE="hidden"
NAME=".cgifields" VALUE="ACTION"> ?

                At 10:45 AM 06/21/2001 -0400, Moon, John wrote:
                >I keep seeing these "extra"  hidden fields in my source ...

                >Does anyone know where/what/why they are being generated ?
                ><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME=".cgifields" VALUE="ACTION">

                If youre using the module, theres most likely a
subroutine or other
                part of your code that is explicitly printing these hidden
fields, in an
                attempt to maintain state between successive invocations of
your script
                (assuming you have a multipage form).  Check for a line
something like
                "print hidden(-name='.cgifields')" 

                But then again its hard to diagnose any problem without
seeing your source
                code ;)


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