-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: How to learn Perl??
Can you tell me the author as when I am checking for this Lama book I'm
getting all buddist books.
r.tx.us To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
20/06/01 cc:
13:55 Subject: RE: How to learn
There's a lot of brilliant contributors to this list.
If you're like me, and are one of less than brilliant
intelligence, I'd get the "Lama Book" a.k.a. "Learning
Perl" ... it's WAAAY better IMHO to learn on. I have
both now, because I started with the Camel book, and
would sweat ( and I program for a living ) The Llama
book was just a bit more basic for starting out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Cook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 7:36 AM
To: 'Henrik Linderbäck'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How to learn Perl??
Welcome to the fold. Perl, first of all, is an object oriented scripting
language, but it's definitely one of the most powerful scripting languages
I've seen. The reasons for using Perl are numerous: it's free; it's easy
learn; it's extensible; it's free; it's portable, and supported on almost
any platform you could want. There's also a large community of developers
who are quite committed to helping one another to learn and improve their
skille (particularly us newbies - thanks, all). Oh, and did I mention it's
On the learning front, I'd have to recommend the "Camel book" (Programming
Perl, from O'Reilly). AS far as online resources, I've seen some good
stuff, but it turns out two of the best are by members of this group.
Curtis Poe's online CGI course
(http://www.easystreet.com/~ovid/cgi_course/index.html) is a good
introduction to CGI, as is Fliptop's address book tutorial, which can be
found at http://www.peacecomputers.com/addressbook_toot-intro.html.
Again, welcome to the group. Don't hesitate to ask questions, even if
you're afraid they're dumb. I almost guarantee I've asked dumber myself,
and I've only gotten helpful replies from this group.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henrik Linderbäck
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 4:40 AM
> Subject: How to learn Perl??
> Hi
> I don´t know anything about Perl but i will try to learn.
> Where kan i find information about Perl and answer to my questions??
> What is Perl?
> Why using Perl?
> How to start?
> Do i have to buy a book or can i find everything on internet??
> If there is somone how have made something with Perl i am
> intressted to see. Please give me some links, even small thing.
> Thanks all
> //Hebbe