I'd get a copy of GNU AWK for Win32 systems, and install it on your NT
server. Then, you can just integrate the AWK scripts. AWK jams at pattern
matching, so if you have a fairly significant script, I'd agree that you
don't want to rewrite it unless you're just looking for the practice.
I greatly admire AWK; it is an incredibly awesome tool. I once used it to
write a semester project in an operating systems class - it took four hours,
and I was done. That's what the instructor gets for saying "any programming
language." Tee-hee.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grierson, Garry (UK07) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 6:52 AM
> Subject: Imbedded awk
> Is it possible to embed an existing awk script into a Perl CGI?
> I a rewriting some old web based library archive material
> that uses awk
> based scripts held on HP-UX systems. I am replacing this with
> an NT and Perl
> based system, but it would take a lot of duplicated effort to
> re-do the
> existing awk. I would like to be able to pass peramiters to
> this from within
> a Perl script if possible rather than calling the existing
> awk script on a
> separate server.
> Any help appreciated.