rot13 is not well suited for encryption, it was never meant to be, rather,
it was used to easily encode information, so that someone else can easily
decode it. An example of its uses (back in da day yo) was on BBS's where,
someone may have posted a movie spoiler and if people /really/ wanted to see
it, could decode it, if they didn't the movie wouldn't have been spoiled by
a passing glance.
Brush up on crypt()
justin simoni
Steven Wright:
"Uh-Oh, I've lost a button-hole"
on 6/13/01 4:42 PM, scott lutz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the
> I am looking for a module to encrypt the log-in password from a form, and am
> unfamiliar with all of the modules on CPAN, and so am looking for some
> feedback.
> Thanks
> scott
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