Derek [ To help the beginners group work, it is best to 'reply-all' so that the group gets the complete interchange. ] I see you have $SQL="SELECT name,extno,dnis,cli,acd FROM avid_call_db..online_stats_table WHERE acd > 0"; # ^^ two dots? $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL); # prepares the statement in $sth . . # cannot see $sth->execute(); . while ($pointer = $SQL->fetchrow_hashref){ ... # ^^^^ should be $sth?? Comments: I have found hashref doesn't work for named items in a select statement. (I'm open to correction on this: maybe I didn't do it right) You can do $SQL='SELECT * FROM ...'; $sth=$dbh->prepare($SQL); $sth->execute(); while ($pointer=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){... or $SQL="SELECT name,extno,dnis,cli,acd FROM ... $sth=$dbh->prepare($SQL); $sth->execute(); while (my $arrayref=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref){ my ($name,$extno,$dnis,$cli,$acd)=@$arrayref; . . . } May I recommend you acquire ActivePerl from even if you don't use it, the documentation is an excellent ready reference. (If the module doesn't seem to be documented, download it from CPAN (using PPM or otherwise). I trust this helps a bit. - Roger - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Derek Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Roger C Haslock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 3:03 PM Subject: Thanks > Hi Roger, > > Thanks indeed for coming back so promptly, it's only taken me all this time > to create the reply! > > Essentially, someone else wrote a script but it doesn't work and I don't know > perl properly yet. > > What I need is that part of the script which puts the SELECT data into an > array and then prints the array in the appropriate line at a time which can > then be "print"ed into an html page. I assume one uses fetchrow_array but I'm > at a bit of a loss about that at present. The test scripts that came with the > NT Perl install DIDN'T use the DBI::Connect but this is the script he wrote > (or the connect bit with the real field names) > > use DBI; > ## $DSN = "DBI:sqlsvr:AVID SQL SERVER"; > $DSN = "DBI:sqlsvr:NTAVID"; > $user = "avid"; > $password= ""; > $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN,$user,$password) > || die "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh; > return; > > This is the select bit (wot I rote) and the execute bit which he did. > > $SQL="SELECT name,extno,dnis,cli,acd FROM avid_call_db..online_stats_table > WHERE acd > 0"; > eval{$sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL)}; > > and this is the allocation bit which he did:- > > while ($pointer = $SQL->fetchrow_hashref){ > $Name = $pointer->{'name'}; > $Extno = $pointer->{'extno'}; > $Dnis = $pointer->{'dnis'}; > $Cli = $pointer->{'cli'}; > $Acd = $pointer->{'acd'}; > } > > > I know I've left some of it out (it was written as several routines) but I > think this gives the gist. > > -- > Best wishes, > Derek Harding, (BA MIAP) > ICT & Network Manager > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > >