Just call it from perl....

print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n";
print "<TITLE>web site</TITLE>\n";
print "<META Name=\"description\" Content=\"webwite\">\n";
print "<META Name=\"keywords\" Content=\"silver, sterling,  handmade, jewelry, 
print " wholesale, retail\">\n";
print "<META NAME=\"rating\" CONTENT=\"general\">\n";
print "<META NAME=\"revisit-after\" CONTENT=\"7 days\">\n";
print "<META NAME=\"ROBOTS\" CONTENT=\"ALL\">\n";
print "<META NAME=\"Author\" lang=\"en\" CONTENT=\"My Name\">\n";
print "</HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY BGCOLOR=000000 TEXT=FFFFFF  LINK=0000FF  ALINK=00FF00  VLINK=FF0000 >\n";


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: CGI Beginners 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 4:41 PM
  Subject: javascript within print "<<tag"

  i have a script that generates html. i would like to put some javascript
  in the <head></head> tags which is being generated, but escaping the
  javascript is a nightmare.
  does the print "<<tag" allow you to enter all this tedious code without
  if not, do i have another choice to get around this?

  thanks -cjm

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