> if ( $formdata{view_name} ne "" ) {
>   $view = $formdata{view_name};
>   $viewtag = "1";
> }
> is there a special method for testing against a null string for a form
> field's value? i am using the above data, but it seems to always return

        exists() will tell you if a hash-table entry has been initialized, even
if its value is undef/null.  I would recommend putting
$formdata{view_name} inside square braces in error output to see what is
triggering this.  something like:

        print STDERR "notempty: [" . $formdata{view_name} . "]?\n";

        (which will log to your webserver error log, but will not clobber your

        perldoc -f exists should let you know if it's what you really need.

> finally, my questions are starting to deal with perl used within cgi. i'm
> a (brand) newbie to perl. should these questions go to beginners@ or
> cgi-list@

        There's a new beginners-cgi list.  That's probably the best place for
this kind of thing.

- Matt

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