--- Jeremy Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm only a couple days into learning perl here.. but I've been having this
> problem with subroutines I can't seem to figure out. Could someone explain
> what I'm doing wrong here:
> require "cgi-lib.pl";
Please don't use cgi-lib.pl. It's old, out-of-date Perl4 technology and it is no
longer being
maintained. You'll find CGI.pm is what is currently being used and it is included in
the standard
Perl distribution.
> &ReadParse;
> #print &PrintHeader;
> if ( $in{'agree'} ne "" ) {
> #### THE PROBELM IS HERE.. I just want it to run the
> #### doStore sub, then run the doRedirect sub.. but
> #### I'm not sure on the syntax of how to do it.
> &doStore;
> &doRedirect;
Your syntax is correct, assuming that &ReadParse populates the %in hash. I *though*
that it
populated something like %formdata, but I could be wrong. However, rather than
tracking down this
problem, I cleaned up your code a bit to show you how to use CGI.pm. I have tested
this code and
it appears to work fine.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
require "ctime.pl"; # ? Don't know this module
my $date = ctime(time);
my $datafile = "harvest.txt";
my $URL = "http://www.cnet.com/";
my $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
if ( param( 'agree' ) ne "" ) {
} else {
sub doSorryNoAgree {
print header;
print <<END_HTML;
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table align="center" bgcolor="#000000" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" border="0" cellpadding="2"
<td align="center" bgcolor="#0000FF">
<b><font face="arial" size="5">Error!</font></b>
<font face="arial">The check box must be checked first.</font>
sub doStore {
my $username = param( 'username' );
my $password = param( 'password' );
my $email = param( 'email' );
# always add the 'or die' after an open so you can know if it worked!
open(OUTFILE, ">> $datafile") or die "Cannot open $datafile for appending: $!";
print OUTFILE "\n$date | $username | $password | $email | $ip";
sub doRedirect {
print redirect( $URL ); # This handy CGI.pm function handles your "Location:"
header for you
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