Can someone please give me an example of how to pass form data between
two CGI programs? Here's what I'm attempting to do.
  I'm a novice perl programmer at best so I'm just trying to modify two
programs to do what I need. Basically, I'm trying to use a "affiliate"
program. What should happen is that a form is submitted to
"" . then updates a counter and a few other
things based on the form data passed to it. then passes the

form data over to my form handling script ("").  The
problem is that some form fields get truncated when the data is passed
back to my formhandler.
  My basic understanding of things is that there are differences in the
way "GET" and "POST" data are handled.
   Ideally, if someone could supply an example of two CGI's where one
receives either "GET" or "POST" data and passes it along to another CGI
that can handle a large input string (say 2K bytes) I would be very

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Tom O'Brien
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