The CD Book shelf has just been updated to include the 3rd edition of
"Programming Perl".
Don't let anyone sell you the old edition!
best regards,
At 10:20 4/06/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>I would suggest you buy "The Perl CD Bookshelf" from O'Reilly. You get
>the "Perl in a Nutshell" book which is a good reference to a lot of Perl
>stuff, and a CD that includes in searchable HTML format:
>"Perl in a Nutshell" (yes, you get it twice!)
>"Programming Perl, 2nd Edition"
>"Perl Cookbook" - handy recipies
>"Advanced Perl Programming"
>"Learning Perl, 2nd Edition"
>"Learning Perl on Win32 Systems" - exactly like the above title but
>geared for Win32