----- Original Message -----
> I have a CGI script which forks off a new process to perform lengthy
> operations, and then uses the parent to display a short message in
> the browser indicating that the process has begun.
> However, I'm finding that the browser tries to continue loading until
> the child has completed.  How can I stop this (or can I?)  I want the
> parent to print the message and exit, but the browser waits for the
> child anyway...  UGH...

I would be interested in knowing if Merlyn's response works.  I just ran
into your same problem recently and tried many things.  Among the
things I tried were some modules that are supposed to launch processes
in the background.  I could not get it to work under linux.  I had great
success under windows using Win32::Process. On linux I eventually wrote
a server program  in perl that waits for a client to connect and issue a
command. It then responds to the cgi script so it thinks it's done and
the browser stops waiting. In the meantime the server launches another
perl script that does the things that take a long time.

Did Merlyn's suggestion work and under what OS?  If you don't have
success I can send you the server process code.


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