I have a print statement that prints out an html page, and after a lot of tinkering, I
still can't get it to work. It prints out the html perfectly, but I can't seem to
find a way for it to print the contents of the scalar statements. The print statement
is encased in "". Here is my source
#Program to generate endless webpage
$current = $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"};
$next = ++$current;
$prev = --$current;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Endless!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY
BGCOLOR = "#000000"><FONT COLOR = "red"><H5>$current</H5><HR COLOR = "red"><A HREF =
"endless?$prev">Previous Page</a> | <A HREF = "endless?$next">Next