IMHO : Go for it while you have the energy!
Nothing will happen on lists if people hang back when they could answer. There will 
always be days
when you are just too busy to even look at this or any list.


Curtis Poe wrote:

> I've read the FAQ and I'm not sure to whom I should address this question.
> I joined the mailing list only a few days ago, yet I have answered quite a few 
>questions.  I
> certainly don't want to seem like a "know-it-all" and dominate the list.  Should I 
>wait longer
> before responding to ensure that others get a chance to have a crack at it?  Have my 
>answers been
> useful?
> Cheers,
> Curtis Poe
> =====
> Senior Programmer
> Onsite! Technology (
> "Ovid" on

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