
first sorry for my english.

I have writen this script:

use strict;
use CGI;

my $out = CGI->new();
my $docoment = '/home/httpd/html/test/texttoedit.txt';

my $data = read_document();
print $out-> header( "text/html" ),
      $out-> start_html(-title  => "Test Test",-bgcolor => "#008080"),
      $out=> $data,
      $out-> end_html;

sub read_document {
    local $/;

    open(SOURCE, "<$docoment")|| die "Could not open file!!\n";
    $data = <SOURCE>;
    return $data;
    close SOURCE;

the problem is that it outputs this:

CGI=HASH(0x80ca53c) and the content of the  $docoment .

how do i remove the  CGI=HASH(0x80ca53c) from fhe output ?

Thank you

Vienna, Austria

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