Hi Fab,
welcome to your journey with beancount :)
First for your journey questions. I think if you need/want the days,
having it as a special currency instead of just metadata might be useful.
This allows you to do calculations/aggregations on them, which I think
you can't do with the metadata. I use here a separate expense account
for the "NIGHTS", because I don't like to mix "Currencies", but you
could keep it in the same one as you keep the monetary expenses.
I'm modeling the other side of the nights as Equity, personally that
feels cleaner than putting in Assets/Liabilities.
I'm guessing this is just for your own interest, not for reimbursing,
otherwise I would model it differently.
option "operating_currency" "EUR"
2025-01-01 open Expenses:Travel:Accommodation:Hotel EUR
2025-01-01 open Assets:Bank:Checking EUR
2025-01-01 open Expenses:Travel:Nights NIGHTS
2025-01-01 open Equity:Nights NIGHTS
2025-03-11 * "Hotel in Berlin (3 nights)"
date: "2025-03-08" ; Booking date
purpose: "Conference"
Expenses:Travel:Accommodation:Hotel 300.00 EUR
Expenses:Travel:Nights 3 NIGHTS
Assets:Bank:Checking -300.00 EUR
Equity:Nights -3 NIGHTS
2025-03-08 * "Hotel in Berlin (3 nights)"
firstNightDate: "2025-03-11" ; date of 1st night
purpose: "Conference"
Expenses:Travel:Accommodation:Hotel 300.00 EUR
Expenses:Travel:Nights 3 NIGHTS
Assets:Bank:Checking -300.00 EUR
Equity:Nights -3 NIGHTS
Without even doing any special queries, you'll already get a lot of
information (e.g. in Fava)
and you can query that information like
SELECT sum(filter_currency(position, 'EUR')) as Cost,
sum(filter_currency(position, 'NIGHTS')) as Nights,
entry_meta('purpose') as Purpose
WHERE account ~ '^Expenses:Travel' GROUP BY entry_meta('purpose')
As for dealing with investments from IBKR, I'm doing this as well.
My use case is pretty simple and boring, mostly buy and hold. For this I
have built two things which are useful for me
An importer which pulls, buys and dividends directly from IBKR
A price import which pulls the price information for securities from IBKR
For general documentation about investments, this part of the official
beancount doc is a very good starting point
On 20.03.2025 19:33, Fabian Braennstroem wrote:
Hi all,
I am quite new to beancount (and in accounting in general) and are
testing a few
minor things at the moment with version 3.
At the moment I am planing to use it for two topics. One is for
travelling and
another one is for calculating tax relevant gains from
investing (with interarctive brokers), which needs to be converted to EUR
currency gain. For my understanding that is possible with beancount,
but I missed up
to now a good example case for it. Maybe someone can point me to one?
This would
be great!
As mentioned, in addition to these investing tasks, I would like to
track my business trips and also count days abroad or days in a hotel.
For my understanding I am having different options to track this.
I saws this: https://groups.google.com/g/beancount/c/NGt2BRHR6LE
and understand, that I can use tags, meta or links for additional
It seems that meta is a good option.
Maybe I could even use a special NIGHT-currency also for tracking it.
But I am not sure yet, what the best way is to get e.g. the number of
which I stayed in a hotel in a certain time frame and what I paid for
E.g. I could state a stay of 3 night in these two ways:
2025-03-11 * "Hotel in Berlin (3 nights)"
date: "2025-03-08" ; Booking date
nights: 3 ; Number of nights
purpose: "Conference"
Expenses:Travel:Accommodation:Hotel 300.00 EUR
Assets:Bank:Checking -300.00 EUR
2025-03-08 * "Hotel in Berlin (3 nights)"
firstNightDate: "2025-03-11" ; date of 1st night
nights: 3 ; Number of nights
purpose: "Conference"
Expenses:Travel:Accommodation:Hotel 300.00 EUR
Assets:Bank:Checking -300.00 EUR
With this query:
bean-query uow_test3.beancount "
SELECT SUM(position), entry.meta['nights'] as nights
WHERE account ~ '^Expenses:Travel'
GROUP BY nights
I get something like this:
SUM(positi n
---------- -
600.00 EUR 3
I.e. I am summing the cost for all stays with 3 nights, but the number of
Do you have an advice how I can adjust my query for this?
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards
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