I've not messed with it myself, but take a look at beancount's 
`beancount/scripts/format.py`, The `main` function from this is what's 
called in bean-format. It looks like it just reads the specified file, 
formats it with the function `align_beancount` (also in format.py), then 
writes what that returns. You could apply that function to your importer's 
output text before writing it.

On Friday, February 28, 2025 at 9:38:20 AM UTC-6 Oon-Ee Ng wrote:

> Having updated my personal importers to beangulp's import.py - I'm left 
> with something which has been on my todo list for a while - how do I 
> automatically align numbers in beangulp output?
> Trying to achieve the equivalent of :-
> python import.py extract /path/to/beancount/file | bean-format -c 100
> without having to run bean-format.

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