Thanks Vasily for the tips. I've wrote a simple script that meet my 
requirements for now (I don't have many holdings). I've run this manually 
now by changing the ticker and output file values - given I only have 5 
holdings. This works for me.

Will also check out these other commands and packages. Thanks!

import subprocess
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def fetch_and_process_price(ticker: str, date: str) -> str:
# Run the bash command
result =['bean-price', '-e', f'--date={date}', ticker], 
capture_output=True, text=True) 
# Check if the command was successful
if result.returncode == 0:
# Process the output
output = result.stdout
# Use regex to remove ".AX" from any text before it
output = re.sub(r'(\w+)\.AX', r'\1', output)
# Remove multiple spaces before the dollar value
output = ' '.join(output.split())
return f"{output}"
print(f"Error: {result.stderr}")
return ""

def append_to_file(content: str, filename: str):
with open(filename, 'a') as file:
file.write(content + '\n')

# Generate dates for every Wednesday for the last 3 years
def generate_wednesdays():
end_date =
start_date = end_date - timedelta(weeks=3*52)
current_date = start_date
wednesdays = []
while current_date <= end_date:
if current_date.weekday() == 2: # Wednesday
current_date += timedelta(days=1)
return wednesdays
# Example usage
dates = generate_wednesdays()
ticker = 'AUD:yahoo/ETH-AUD'

for date in dates:
price_entry = fetch_and_process_price(ticker, date)
if price_entry:
append_to_file(price_entry, 'ETH-AUD.bean')

On Monday, December 30, 2024 at 12:10:17 AM UTC+8 Vasily wrote:

> Hi Errol,
> To expand a bit on Patrick's reply.
> Indeed, beanprice won't save values to file automatically but you don't 
> have to necessarily write a script (well, it's actually still a shell 
> scripting but a bit simpler). You can append result to an existing 
> beancount file included in your ledger as in:
> bean-price -i -c commodities.bean >> prices.bean
> Note the -i and -c parameters that make sure values are fetched a little 
> more "deterministically" (check out bean-price --help to see what they 
> actually mean).
> Instead of using include prices.bean in the main ledger you can include 
> files using a wildcard, like include "prices/*.bean" and then store prices 
> in the separate files like:
> bean-price -i -c commodities.bean >> "prices/price-$(date 
> +'%Y-%m-%d').bean"
> You can store them splitted by date as in this example but you can also 
> come up with the way to split by instrument/stock if necessary (well, here 
> I'd also probably opt for using Python instead of bash).
> I've automated this process a bit in Lazy Beancount: 
> maybe it'd work for you off the shelf as well. It's nothing too fancy, 
> however, just literally doing what's described here with a UI on top.
> Also I've recently stumbled across 
> and looks like it can solve a 
> couple more problems with price fetching (e.g. fetching prices for time 
> intervals) but I haven't tested it yet personally.
> Best regards,
> Vasily
> суббота, 28 декабря 2024 г. в 15:40:15 UTC+1, Errol Lee: 
>> Thanks for the input. I was hoping to use one of the functions that came 
>> with beanprice. These steps in the documentation is what I was trying to 
>> replicate. Seems like you've written your own script.
>> Now that I can use bean-price to fetch the individual stocks, I'll 
>> probably try to do the same..
>> [image: 6b9455ae26c087990c894b6b32b93a96c2d8723bb1b2c0e7307be3c7c83484bd 
>> copy.jpg]
>> On Friday, December 27, 2024 at 7:19:53 PM UTC+8 Patrick Ruckstuhl wrote:
>>> Hi Errol,
>>> if I remember correctly it depends not on the commodities but if you 
>>> have actually any balances using the instruments.
>>> For updating a file, this is what I use. I have a prices folder with a 
>>> file per instrument.
>>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>>> from beanprice import price
>>> from beancount import loader
>>> from beancount.parser import printer
>>> entries, errors, options = loader.load_file('main.beancount')
>>> priceJobs = price.get_price_jobs_at_date(entries, inactive=True)
>>> prices = []
>>> for job in priceJobs:
>>>     try:
>>>         prices.append(price.fetch_price(job))
>>>     except Exception as e:
>>>         print("failed to fetch, ", job, e)
>>> prices, ignoredEntries = price.filter_redundant_prices(prices, entries)
>>> for newPrice in prices:
>>>     with open('prices/' + newPrice.currency.lower() + '.beancount', 'a') 
>>> as priceFile:
>>>         priceFile.write(printer.format_entry(newPrice))
>>> Regards,
>>> Patrick
>>> On 27.12.2024 07:28, Errol Lee wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick,
>>> Thank you for your guidance! I thought I did, but I must've done 
>>> something wrong earlier. I've reinstalled and can now successfully retrieve 
>>> prices using Yahoo. 
>>> For example:
>>> ❯ bean-price -e 'AUD:yahoo/VDHG.AX'
>>> 2024-12-27 price VDHG.AX                             69.53 AUD
>>> I’ve defined my commodities in a commodities.bean file. For instance, 
>>> VDHG is defined as follows:
>>> 2000-01-01 commodity VDHG
>>>   name: "Vanguard Diversified High Growth ETF"
>>>   asset-class: "Equity"
>>>   symbol: "VDHG"
>>>   price: "AUD:yahoo/VDHG.AX"
>>> However, when I run the following command, it seems to execute 
>>> successfully, but I don’t see the prices updated in any of my files:
>>> ❯ bean-price commodities.bean
>>> Ideally, I’d like the latest prices to be saved automatically in a 
>>> prices.bean file. Is there something I’m missing in my setup or an 
>>> additional step I need to take to ensure the prices are recorded in the 
>>> desired file?
>>> Thanks again for your help!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Errol
>>> On Tuesday, December 24, 2024 at 3:46:05 PM UTC+8 Patrick Ruckstuhl 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Errol,
>>>> Did you install beanprice separately?
>>>> I'm using alphavantage on a daily basis.
>>>> You will need to set an environment variable ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY with 
>>>> a free api key from them and use it like
>>>> USD:alphavantage/price:AAPL:USD
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Patrick 
>>>> On December 24, 2024 2:48:02 AM GMT+01:00, Errol Lee <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I’m new to Beancount (and honestly, I’m amazed by the amount of 
>>>>> functionality it offers—wish I had discovered it sooner!). I’m trying to 
>>>>> set up bean-price to fetch stock prices, but I’ve run into some 
>>>>> issues, particularly with Yahoo and Alphavantage as sources.
>>>>> Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
>>>>> 1. *Yahoo*:
>>>>> It seems like Yahoo has blocked API access for fetching stock prices. 
>>>>> When I try fetching prices for AAPL, I get the following error:
>>>>> ❯ bean-price -e 'USD:yahoo/AAPL'                 
>>>>> ERROR   : Error fetching AAPL: Status 401: {'code': 'Unauthorized', 
>>>>> 'description': 'User is unable to access this feature - 
>>>>> ERROR   : Could not fetch for job: DatedPrice(base='AAPL', quote='USD', 
>>>>> date=None, sources=[PriceSource(module=<module 
>>>>> '' from 
>>>>> '/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/beancount/prices/sources/'>,
>>>>> symbol='AAPL', invert=False)])
>>>>> 2. *Alphavantage*:
>>>>> Despite being listed as a source in the GitHub documentation, I can’t 
>>>>> seem to get it working. Here’s the error I encounter:
>>>>> ❯ bean-price -e 'USD:alphavantage/AAPL'          
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/beancount/prices/", 
>>>>> line 178, inimport_source
>>>>>     __import__(default_name)
>>>>> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 
>>>>> 'beancount.prices.sources.alphavantage'
>>>>> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/beancount/prices/", 
>>>>> line 182, inimport_source
>>>>>     __import__(module_name)
>>>>> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'alphavantage'
>>>>> Ultimately, I’d like to fetch prices for some Australian stocks in my 
>>>>> portfolio (e.g., ASX:VDHG, ASX:VGS, etc.).
>>>>> Does anyone have advice on:
>>>>> • Workarounds for Yahoo?
>>>>> • How to enable or properly configure Alphavantage as a source?
>>>>> • Any other sources I can use for Australian stocks?
>>>>> Thanks in advance for your help! Any guidance would be much 
>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> -- 
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