I added an importer using the beangulp v3 interface. Find it here:

Any comments welcome!

The beangulp interface is great and it was pretty straightforward to write 
an importer.. many thanks for all the work that went into this.

On Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 4:29:03 PM UTC+1 Alexander Dunkel wrote:

> I am new to this group and just starting with Beancount (after reading the 
> docs for 2+ years!).
> After looking at the current state, I decided to jump right in with v3. My 
> main focus at the moment is entry. I have about 20+ bank accounts and about 
> 200 transactions a month, many of which are automated or recurring, so it 
> really makes no sense to enter them manually. Although I understand the 
> idea behind the manual transaction entry philosophy.
> Anyway, I am in Germany and there is a fairly widely used OSS software for 
> collecting data from banks: Hibiscus (willuhn.de/products/hibiscus/). 
> Hibiscus supports 90% of my bank APIs and I use it to retrieve transactions 
> (but also to make transactions, change recurring payments, etc.). A very 
> nice tool that I plan to continue using.
> My fallback strategy for beancount ingestion would be the following:
> 1. Hibiscus H2 Database
> 2. OFXget
> 3. Manual CSV Download
> (4. PDF parsing)
> I am starting with the beangulp ingestion from the H2 Database. 
> My question: I can use jaydebeapi to directly connect to the Hibiscus H2 
> DB from Python. I think this would be a single importer in beangulp, 
> correct? I don't need bean-identify, because I know that I want to connect 
> to the H2 DB already. Given the Beangulp Example (
> https://github.com/beancount/beangulp/tree/master/examples), where would 
> I best add the hook for the DB-connect - perhaps 
> in process_extracted_entries()?
> Also, I do not add categories (re: beancount accounts) to transactions in 
> Hibiscus. This would be a manual step of assigning categories. I am 
> wondering if this should be an ad hoc step once the data is in the 
> beancount ledger, or if I should do it as part of the beangulp ingestion 
> process. Are there any conventions for preferring one over the other?
> Many thanks, Alex

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